Monday, January 27, 2014

Gallery of Alien Inspired Art

BIOGRAPHY Paul Laffoley was born to an Irish Catholic family. His father, Paul Laffoley, Sr., the president of the Cambridge Trust Company, was a lawyer and taught classes at Harvard Business School. Early in life, Laffoley, Sr. also did on-stage performances as a medium.

For over forty years Laffoley has continued to seek answers to the ultimate mysteries through his art work. Combining an esoteric knowledge with cutting-edge scientific theory Laffoley charts and maps realms of the unseen and combines a Pop graphic sense with an historic appreciation of medieval manuscripts, tantric texts, and occult diagrams from the enlightenment. His work stands at the very epitome of visionary art.

On Laffoley's account, he spoke his first word ("Constantinople") at the age of six months, and then lapsed into 4 years of silence. He attended the progressive Mary Lee Burbank School in Belmont, Massachusetts, where his draftsman's talent was ridiculed by his Abstract Expressionist teachers. After attending Boston public schools for a short time, Laffoley matriculated at Brown University, graduating in 1962 with honors in Classics, Philosophy, and Art History. Laffoley has written that, in his senior year at Brown, he was given eight electric-shock treatments.

During a CAT scan of his head in 1992, a piece of metal 3/8 of an inch long was discovered in the occipital lobe of his brain, near the pineal gland. Local Mutual UFO Network investigators declared it to be "an alien nanotechnological laboratory." Laffoley has come to believe that the "implant" is extraterrestrial in origin and is the main motivation behind his ideas and theories.

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